
Shop Foreman / Supervisor jobs

Montréal, QC
Centre de Mécanique Gagnon
Centre de Mécanique Gagnon

Starting at $80,000

Montréal, QC
Centre de Mécanique Gagnon
Centre de Mécanique Gagnon

Starting at $80,000

Automotive Shop Foreman / Supervisor job description

The Shop Foreman/Automotive Mechanical Shop Supervisor is responsible for the effective management of the automotive repair shop, supervising mechanics, planning work schedules and ensuring compliance with quality and safety standards. security. This professional should have a solid background in automotive mechanics, strong people management and communication skills, and a thorough knowledge of automotive repair equipment and tools. The role of the Workshop Foreman / Workshop Supervisor is to ensure the smooth running of the workshop, while providing quality service to customers.
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Main Shop Foreman / Supervisor tasks

  • Dispatching work
  • Follow up on repair and services

Shop Foreman / Supervisor related tasks

  • Dispatching work
  • Follow up on repair and services
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