Quality candidates

Do not waste your time going through hundreds of resumes that do not correspond to the position you want to fill. On Canada Motor Jobs, we are committed to simplifying your hiring process by providing you with quality applications that match your job posting. Our system classifies the applications for you and highlights the elements of their resume that interest you.

We have put the traditional resume aside to focus on data entry and make artificial intelligence available to you. Find the perfect candidate using our tools.

Artificial intelligence at your service

Our algorithm works for you and ranks the candidates profiles using several factors such as: experience, education, skills, tasks performed by the candidate, distance, etc. This allows us to present you with the applications that best match your job offer.

Candidates who match your posting will appear in order and by color:

  • Green: The candidate matches well

  • Yellow: The candidate corresponds moderately

  • Red: The candidate matches very little

Application retained
Greg Rossoll
2 hours ago
New application
Emily Mares
10 minutes ago
Application seen
Robert Flemming
7 hours ago
Application rejected
Jason Tucker
2 days ago

See what matches at a glance

On the candidate profile, you can quickly see the spheres in which the one matches the best:

  • The experience
  • Skills
  • Salary

While our goal is to provide you with quality applications, we also want to give you choices. This is why it is possible that we let certain applications which correspond a little less to your offer, still be viewed. You are free to consult them.

Application retained
Greg Rossoll
6,4 km
2 hours ago
Desired salary corresponds to your job listing

The experience that really matters

Regarding each work experience, it is easy to identify the ones that are important to you thanks to a color system. You can also see the tasks corresponding to your offer as well as those which are missing. You can even view other related tasks performed by the candidate.

Mechanic / Technician
NAPA Autopro
2 years : actual job
  • Brake system maintenance and repair (hydraulic)
  • Engine diagnostic and repair (gas)
  • Oil and filter change
  • Suspension and steering repair
  • Transmission diagnostic and repair
5 other tasks
1 missing task

The skills you are looking for Skills are displayed similar to experience so you can quickly identify which ones you are looking for and which ones are missing.

Automotive service technicien
Toronto Automobile School
Spoken languages
Written languages
Driver's license
  • Passenger Car Driver's License
1 other skill
  • All Data
  • Costar
  • Mitchell On Demand
1 other skill
  • Competency card CPA (1,2,3 or A,B,C)
1 missing skill

Easily manage applications and collaborate with your colleagues

Hiring staff is rarely a one-person job. Often, several members of a team are part of the hiring process. This is why we have put in place tools that allow you to collaborate better.

It is possible to invite colleagues, internal or external to your company you manage on our portal, in order to follow your job offers. This function allows you to comment and exchange notes on the applications received. You can mark an application as "Retained" or "Rejected" and thus put forward those that interest you.

Encourage our candidates to apply on your offer

Like a head hunter, browse our database of profiles. Indeed, several candidates have activated the option allowing employers to view their profile anonymously. If any of them seem interesting to you, invite them to apply on your job posting directly. They will receive a notification advising them of your interest in them. They will then be able to apply on your offer so that you can contact them.

Invite sent
14,5 km
Profile seen
25,3 km
See profile
7,8 km
See profile
38,6 km

We are here for you

At Canada Motor Jobs, we value respect and believe that it all starts with good communication. If you're having trouble reaching a candidate or they didn't show up for an interview, just press a single button to let us know. This person will no longer be able to apply to positions until they have contacted us in order to rectify the situation.

Report candidate Difficulty reaching the candidate

Report candidate Did not show up for their interview

But where is the resume?

Want to see the resume in a more traditional way? Don't worry, we've got you covered! View the candidate's full resume and easily print it using the "Resume" button in the candidates profile.

See resume

Register and find candidates who meet your criteria

Simplicity redefined

Following the creation of your company or the invitation to manage it's account on Canada Motor Jobs, you will be able to create your job posting. The creation of a post is done in a few clicks without any redaction required on your part. All you need to do is select the sector, the department and the job title. Our system pre-selects the most relevant tasks and skills as well as the salary scale for your job posting. We also associate all the working conditions related to your business. You can also personalize your job postings.

Take advantage of our expertise in the automotive sector

Our automotive industry team reviews each job posting before it is posted. We want to make sure that your expectations and needs, and receives the maximum number of quality applications possible. Of course, we will communicate with you before making any changes to the offer initially proposed.

We are here for you

Do you have questions about the system or do not know what information to enter for your job posting? You can chat with our experienced automotive staff using the chat (directly on the site) or by phone.

Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the best strategies to optimize your job offer.

Instant translation

In addition to helping our algorithm to cross data between the job offers and the resume's of our candidates, the options you select when designing your offer will be automatically translated into all the languages ​​of the website.

Join candidates according to your expectations

Reach hundreds of candidates who match your job posting using our SMS, Email, and Push Notification delivery.

Thoughtfully attack social media

Although new candidates are added to our bank every day, why deprive ourselves of an even larger pool of potential candidates? In the age of social media, it is now possible to reach a lot of people. Our staff specializing in social media marketing make sure you get the most out of your budget by seeking out the most potential candidates.

Your satisfaction above all

Did you not succeed in filling the position? Let us know your expectations! We can review your offer in order to try to reach more candidates while extending or relaunching it.

Collaboration: at the heart of the hiring process

Do you want to have the "feedback" of certain people concerning the applications? You can invite them to manage the job posting so that they too are able to mark, retain or reject candidates. It is possible to invite members of your company or even external people.

Confidentiality, our priority

When you choose to post a confidential job offer on our site, in no case will it be linked to your company. We will only display the city and business category. The people who run the business with you won't be able to see this offer unless you share it with them. In addition, our team does not disclose any information, even if we are contacted personally.

Register and find candidates who meet your criteria

Your image, your brand!

We have put in place tools to quickly create your business page on Canada Motor Jobs. To do this, we use the information already existing on the web thanks to Google My Business.

Fast and easy

When creating your business page on Canada Motor Jobs, we check if it exists on Google My Business. We then collect the information and photos attached to it and automatically complete the fields for you.

Show your business

Upload your company logo, regardless of size, and we'll adapt it to display properly on our site. To stand out, you can also add your own photos or select photos from Google My Business if it's associated with your account.

What sets you apart

Do you want to highlight what sets your business apart? Add a short text that you can display on your job postings and/or on your company page. Provide your own translations or let our team do it for you.

Select the working conditions that apply to all of your employees to display it on your company page. They will be pre-selected when creating your next job offers.

Prices and packages

Job posting

Post your job offer for 30 days

Includes distribution to members, geolocation, ranking of candidates, notifications of perfect applications, rebroadcast to members after 7 days as well as the search and invitation of potential candidates.

Highlighted ad

Increase the visibility of your offer

Differentiate your job posting by adding the highlight effect to it by selecting an item you want to highlight.

Hiring quickly ad

Report your urgent need to fill the position

Are the deadlines for hiring tight? Tell candidates who want to find a job quickly.

Featured ad

Areas dedicated to featured ads in order to greatly increase their visibility on our platform and other means of dissemination.

5 job listings - 15% off Save $247 10 job listings - 20% off Save $658 20 job listings - 25% off Save $1645

Prepaid job listings

Buy prepaid jobs to use whenever you want (no expiration date) and save. Contact us for more information.

contact us

Choose a plan and save


Monthly price

Job listings included per month


Social media advertising special discount

App notifications

Members broadcast


Candidates ranking

Perfect application *instant notification

Members rebroadcast afert 7 days

Candidates invitation personal invitation to
corresponding candidates



per month

5% discount


per month

10% discount


per month

15% discount
* available only with a minimum commitment of 3 months.


Do you have a greater need for job posting or own several companies? Contact us so that we can provide you with an offer tailored to your needs.

Register and find candidates who meet your criteria

Create an account

Enter your personal login information. We suggest that you do not create an account that would be used by more than one person. It's best to invite people individually so that everyone manages their notifications as they see fit.

Personal information

Enter your details so that we can reach you if we have any questions regarding the validation of your job offer. Then press the Recruitment button.

Create your business

Start by clicking on My Businesses then on Create. If yours is on Google My Business, select it and we'll match the information to it. Correct the information as needed and add your logo.

Create a job posting

You are ready to create your job posting. Go to Job listings and click on Create. All you have to do is follow the steps.


Still undecided?

Still wondering how our platform can help you in your recruitment process? Let us tell you about it. Our team will be happy to explain how our system works.

For more information, call 1-833-320-JOBS (5627) or complete the form

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