Resultados para Controlador Asistente

Montréal, QC
Subaru Métropolitain
Subaru Métropolitain

Controlador Asistente

Desde 60.000 $


The Assistant Controller is a key position in the automotive industry, responsible for assisting the Financial Controller in managing the company's finances. They are responsible for providing assistance in the planning, coordination, and monitoring of all financial activities of the company.

The Assistant Controller works closely with other members of the management team to help develop effective financial strategies, ensuring that the company's resources are used efficiently and profitably. They are also responsible for providing assistance in managing the company's budget, financial analysis, forecasting financial results, and presenting regular financial reports to internal and external stakeholders.

The Assistant Controller must have a strong background in accounting, finance, and management, as well as strong skills in financial analysis and communication. They must be able to work closely with other members of the management team and provide strategic financial advice to the entire company.


  • Análisis de cuenta
  • Conciliación bancaria
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  • Análisis de cuenta
  • Conciliación bancaria
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